Audit a Google Drive folder

In this article, we will show how you can use Google Drive by Folgo, and how to use our pre-configured template report (dashboard). We’ll discuss which option is best for your needs. 

Use a blank report template

This option can be used if you simply want to list your file data in a table, for example to embed a database in a website (visit this article to learn how!).

Or, if you are familiar or adept with Google Data Studio and you want to fully customize your report (dashboard).  You can create your own layout, theme, & insert relevant elements (charts, control, data, ...) that suit your needs.

1. Open Data Studio.

2. Click the Create button > Report:

Create a Data Studio report

3. Enter ”Folgo” or ”Google Drive” in the search field > click the Google Drive (by Folgo) card:

Search for Folgo

4. You will see the Google Drive (by Folgo) setup page: 

Blank setup page

Blank Setup page

You need to fill out needed information about your target folder (data source): 

a. Copy the Google Drive link of your target folder then paste this to the field Enter the URL of a Google Drive Folder:

Example of Drive folder
Enter the URL of the Google Drive

📌Note: You can leave this field blank if you want to list all the files owned by you.

b. In the Data freshness field, choose an appropriate interval on how frequently you want to update the target folder’s content. We recommend an hourly update so as not to slow your dashboard’s performance:

Data freshness drop down

5. Click the Add button and then ADD TO REPORT:

Add the report tab

6. Your untitled Google Drive Connector report editor is now ready. You can give your report a descriptive name, modify the layout & theme, insert relevant elements (charts, control, data, ...) as needed:

Report with the folder data

Here’s our edited report with a few modifications done:

Result after formatting

💡Tip: To display pictures in your table, add the field Thumbnail URL to your table and change the field type to URL > image: 

field type URL > image

Use the pre-configured template

This option is best for you if you need to inspect a folder, you can use the interactive view to oversee and drilldown the contents of your Google Drive folder.

It can also be useful if you are new to Google Data Studio and you want to easily create a pre-configured report (dashboard). No rigorous customization is needed since everything will be done for you.

1. Open Data Studio

2. Click the Create button > Data source:

Create a report

3. Enter ”Folgo” or ”Google Drive” in the search field > click the Google Drive (by Folgo) card:

Partner Connectors Folgo

4. You will see the Google Drive (by Folgo) setup page.

You need to fill out needed information about your target folder (data source): 

b. Copy the Google Drive link of your target folder then paste this to the field Enter the URL of a Google Drive Folder:

Folder link
Copy folder link

📌Note: You can leave this field blank if you want to list all the files owned by you.

c. In the Data freshness field, choose an appropriate interval on how frequently you want to update the target folder’s content. We recommend an hourly update so as not to slow your dashboard’s performance:

Data freshness one hour

d. Leave the Use report templates for new reports checked. This will generate a dashboard for your target folder:

Filled-out Setup page

e. Click the CONNECT button.

You will now see the Data Source Schema (editor) where you can add, duplicate, or hide fields:

Create the report

5. To accept the default report layout, click CREATE REPORT > CREATE REPORT:

Dashboard created

Google Drive Connector report in editor mode.

Your Google Drive Connector report editor is now ready. 

You can rename the report, edit or modify the layout, theme, & elements (charts, control, data, ...) as needed:

6. Click the View button to display your Google Drive’s interactive views. This contains a Dashboard where you can review and drilldown the content of your Drive folder:

Here’s our Report (Dashboard) for your Google Drive folder that you can interactively drill down.